Who We Are

We are a group of performers, writers, and theatre lovers, mostly having met at UEA in Norwich. We are based across the UK, in Leeds, Norwich and London.

Turnip Fish was established with a performance of Ray Cooney’s Funny Money, which was shown at Maddermarket Theatre in Norwich.

The name ‘Turnip Fish’ is an ode to a song by The Sultans of Ping FC (on the B-side of the ‘Where’s me Jumper!’ EP)

“Out in the ocean at the bottom of the sea

There’s a tiny little Turnip Fish having his tea.

All the other fish think he’s really weird

All of the time he is drinking beer.”

As a reasonably fresh start-up, we have hundreds of ideas bubbling away. For now, we are working on displaying these ideas at our own organised scratch nights. These scratch nights are designed to provide the opportunity for us and others to display creativity in a judgement-free, relaxed zone.

Plans for 2024 include: A ghost/history walking tour around Otley town (book your tickets via the Otley Ghost Tours tab above!) an Edinburgh Fringe show about modern day witchcraft called My Pretties, a couple of short films and a few more scratch nights!